About Us


Our Distinctives

  • We are Reformed - we are not only what it has come to mean, Calvinistic and Confessional, but we also go back to the Bible for all of life and practice.
  • We are Traditional - we see value and depth in the richness of historical Christian theology and practice.
  • We are Spiritual - Filled with the Spirit, yes we pray, but also called to worship the Lord by more than ritual and rite, but really and truly in love in heart, soul, mind, and deed.
  • We are Relational - with the nearness of our Lord Jesus Christ being our good and maintaining genuine real connection with one another.
  • We are Evangelical - where since we know the truth, that truth will set us free to share the goodness of Christ with others.

Our Ministry

We are thoroughly convinced of the spirituality of the church, namely that the Church of Jesus Christ is a spiritual entity. Bought by His blood, redeemed in His righteousness, and filled with His Spirit, the church is an organization unlike any other. Though she may share some similarities with organizations in this world, to none other has the Lord imparted His word, sacraments, and keys to the kingdom. Neither has He to any other bestowed the declarative and ministerial powers by which His servants help build up and shepherd the flock of God. Therefore, it is upon these matters she should focus, and though the church be evangelistic and full of good works, the primary mission of the church is the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry to the glory of Christ. In this, then, the church is not a hospital nor an outreach center, but rather she is a place where the saints of God gather to worship God, be built up in His Word, fellowship, and love one another that we may all together may attain to the stature of the measure of the body of Christ.

Our Worship

When We Worship

We offer two Lord's Day worship services at the Kirk. We open our Sunday with an 11 a.m. Morning Service and we close our day with a 5 p.m. Evening Service. All our worship services last between an hour and an hour and fifteen minutes. On Lord's Supper Sundays, we spend a little more time to fellowship at the Lord’s Table, and the service lasts at least an hour and a fifteen minutes. Just prior to our Morning Service at 9:30 a.m. we offer multiple Sunday School classes for kids by age groupings and an additional two classes for adults. 

How We Worship

Every part of our worship is rooted in God's Spirit and Truth. To that end, the Holy Scripture is our focus. It is what we read, pray, sing, preach and see in the sacraments. Our worship incorporates elements from both the ancient and modern church, reflected in our liturgy, prayer, music, and preaching. Our sermons typically work through a whole book of the Bible consecutively. Check out our weekly bulletin for our order of service.

What We Wear

Our congregation attends in a wide variety of attire, from shorts and jeans to dresses and suits. We tend to dress more up in the morning service and enjoy as a family more causal attire in the evening service. More than what you wear, we encourage you to dress comfortably with your heart reverently prepared for both joyful and solemn worship. 

What About Kids

We take joy in having our children join us in our worship service. We believe this honors Christ’s command to “let the children come to me” and helps lay an early foundation for a love of corporate worship as they grow. We also understand that  children and parents may need other arrangements, so we provide a nursing cry room for mothers, as well as a volunteer-led nursery for those under the age of 4.

Preview Our Worship

One of the best things to do before you may attend is to view the church's worship online. We are blessed to be able offer a both a livestream and recordings of our Morning and Evening Worship Services. You may find them by following the following local or external links:  

Our Leadership

The Kirk is a Presbyterian church. The term “Presbyterian” originates in the language of the Greek New Testament and describes a church led by presbyters, men nominated and elected by the congregation of the local church. Our leadership consists of two groups: the Session and the Diaconate.

Our Session

Our session is a group of Elders in two roles: a Teaching Elder, who is a staff member of the church, devoted to the teaching and preaching of the Word of God, and to prayer, and Ruling Elders, who stand as overseers of the church of Christ, governing and caring for the souls of her people. Elders serve in like manner after Christ, guarding against “corruption in doctrine and morals”, praying for the flock, visiting the sick, and providing comfort, encouragement, and spiritual direction for the body. *

Our Diaconate

The Deacons are “an office of sympathy and service, after the Lord Jesus”, and are entrusted with the care and stewardship of the spiritual and physical property of the church. They serve the church with a ministry of mercy, caring for those who are sick or in need, encouraging the members to service, and working to “collect and distribute the gifts of the church”. They serve under the supervision of the session, and their ministry enables that of the Elders by allowing them to focus on shepherding and prayer as the Deacons tend to the bodily needs of the church.*
*Cited: The Book of Church Order of the Presbyterian Church in America

Our Pastors

Rev. Pete Whitney

Kirk Pastor
A native of Florida and a former military officer, Pete and his wife, Nan, together with their four growing kids, have found a joyous home in Savannah.

Rev. Philip Ryan

Associate Pastor
This Yankee has found new life in the South, together with his wife, Amanda, and two young children. View his writings

Dr. Merle Messer

Assistant Pastor
This Mainer and his wife are exceptional, and we are so glad to have his many years of ministry experience with us. 

Our Staff

Ty Donaldson

Youth & Music Coordinator

Kate Dyer

Women's Ministry Coordinator

Avery Koon

Church Office Admin. Assistant

Chris Sather

Music Director

Aubrey Ward

Nursery Coordinator

Our History