Everyone has their own traditions for Christmas, even churches. Some churches have the advent wreath and the lighting of the candles, others have the big Christmas trees in the sanctuary, and still others do nothing at all. And they all have their reasons why. But what does the Kirk do for Christmas and why?
Well, whereas we are not big proponents of church calendar events, we do love Christmas. Specifically, we love the opportunity Christmas affords us to proclaim the wonderful news of the Gospel of Christ Jesus through song and sermon. To that end, if you were to come to worship at the Kirk during the month of December, here is a list of things you should expect:
We trust and pray that the Lord will richly bless you according the riches in glory in Christ Jesus!
Well, whereas we are not big proponents of church calendar events, we do love Christmas. Specifically, we love the opportunity Christmas affords us to proclaim the wonderful news of the Gospel of Christ Jesus through song and sermon. To that end, if you were to come to worship at the Kirk during the month of December, here is a list of things you should expect:
- Your favorite Christmas songs sung all month long - we have such a rich tradition of robust hymnody celebrating the coming and incarnation of Christ that it will take us all month long to sing them.
- Regular observance of the Lord’s Table - Observing the Lord’s Supper while meditating upon His incarnation increases our appreciation of our Lord’s sacrifice, knowing that He came of His own accord to give His life as a ransom for many.
- Special Christmas emphases throughout the Services - Whereas we will continue to march right through our confession of faith, readings, and current sermon series, we will take time in each of their considerations and applications to treasure the coming and incarnation of Christ. For example, whereas we may be considering 1 Corinthians 15, which declares to us the truthfulness of the resurrection, we shouldn’t be surprised if an additional application made concerns the truthfulness of the incarnation.
- Special gathering on Christmas Eve - Regardless of which day Christmas Eve falls, we will gather that night again at 5pm to worship our Lord. We call it our Evening of Adoration. On that night in addition to our favorite hymns, we should expect to hear a special message on Christ’s coming and incarnation preached by one of our pastors. We also are starting new tradition this year, in which we are planning to gather at least 30mins early (4:15 pm) to walk the neighborhood surrounding the church caroling and inviting all that hear to church. So, dress appropriately and invite your friends and let us adore our newborn King!
- Enjoy time with your family and friends - Christmas is a great time for us all to spend some extended time investing in the relationships that matter most. To that end, we may plan another event or two throughout the month, but we intentionally do not want to tie up our people. So, pray and plan through how you the Lord may be freeing you up during these days to spend more time with those that you love and perhaps some new friends!
We trust and pray that the Lord will richly bless you according the riches in glory in Christ Jesus!
Pete Whitney
Admin Assistant
Assistant Pastor
Building Update
Death of Christ
Exclusive Psalmody
God thinking
Ice Cream
Inclusive Psalmody
Job opening
Neil Stewart
Psalm 139
Regulative Principle