Posts with the category “bible-reading-2024”

Previously On
by Philip Ryan on May 31st, 2024
My children love Star Wars. Last year we watched a new Star Wars show on Disney. Unlike most of today’s programs that stream, this one did not release all the episodes at once. This horrified and confused my children. They came to appreciate a dying piece of television that I grew up with, “Previously on…” The “previously on…” at the beginning of a show connected what happened last time and also g...  Read More
Mr. Beaver's Advice
by Philip Ryan on May 24th, 2024
“But, in general, take my advice, when you meet anything that's going to be human and isn't yet, or used to be human once and isn't now, or ought to be human and isn't, you keep your eyes on it and feel for your hatchet.” These lines were spoken by Mr. Beaver about the White Witch in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. I think they can help us think through the first chapter of 2 Peter. I love ...  Read More
Don't Waste Your Golden Years
by Philip Ryan on May 23rd, 2024
On May 20, 2000, John Piper preached what would become one of his most famous sermons nicknamed the “sea shell sermon.” The sermon is amazing and I encourage you to give it a listen or a read. In his introduction, he contrasts the death of two missionaries that Bethlehem Baptist supported. The brakes on their vehicle failed and they went over a cliff. The two missionaries were both women in their ...  Read More
The Pilgrim Faith (Week 19)
by Philip Ryan on May 10th, 2024
Hebrews 11:16 reads, “But as it is, they desire a better country, that is, a heavenly one. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God; for He has prepared a city for them.” A little later we are told about that city, “For here we do not have a lasting city, but we are seeking the city which is to come” (Heb 13:14). This comes after summarizing the faith of the Antediluvian saints from Abe...  Read More
Bible Devotion Week 18
by Philip Ryan on May 3rd, 2024
This week we finished reading “The Song of Solomon” or “Song of Songs.” Earlier this week I slipped a note into Amanda’s lunch, “Your hair is like a flock of goats…your cheeks are like halves of a pomegranate…your neck is like the tower of David…” Now I did not simply decide to do that. One morning after listening to the reading plan she chastised me, “Why don’t you ever tell me my hair is like a ...  Read More
Bible Devotion Week 17
by Philip Ryan on April 26th, 2024
Type your new text here. The story of Apollo 13 has fascinated me since I saw the hugely successful Tom Hanks movie depicting the heroics of Jim Lovell, Jack Swigert, and Fred Haise. The story is gripping. An explosion during a routine procedure put the lives of the three astronauts in great peril. They didn’t know if they could make it home. While Apollo 13 was certainly a dangerous situation, pr...  Read More
Bible Devotion Week 15
by Philip Ryan on April 13th, 2024
For the past several mornings, my oldest has been bombarding me with questions about Leviticus. They have a common theme - “Why is this book so gross?” Just this week we’ve read about leprosy in great detail (Lev 13-14), discharges and excess bleeding (Lev 15), and detailed instructions on how to spread the blood from the atonement sacrifice (Lev 16-17). Maybe you wonder, like Greta, “Why is this ...  Read More
Bible Devotion Week 14
by Philip Ryan on April 9th, 2024
This past week we started reading the book of Psalms, which got me thinking, “How should you read the Psalms?” Many of you might know that the Psalms are songs and have been described as the church’s hymnal. Maybe it is because it does not include musical notes that we don’t realize we are reading song lyrics. Here we have some of the most beautiful and emotional language in the Bible and simultan...  Read More
Bible Devotion Week 13
by Philip Ryan on March 29th, 2024
This week we have read from some of the richest parts of John’s gospel. I was particularly struck by John 15:11, “These things I have spoken to you so that My joy may be in you, and that your joy may be made full.” The “these things” refer to Jesus’ teaching on the vine and the branches in the previous 10 verses. What struck me was Jesus’ words, “that My joy may be in you, and that your joy may be...  Read More
Bible Devotion Week 12
by Philip Ryan on March 22nd, 2024
“Never forget that you are a sheep” so begins a book I have on pastoral burnout. It is a needed reminder for pastors - don’t forget you are a sheep. In ministry, we get so focused on being under-shepherds of the Good Shepherd that we can forget that we aren’t the Shepherd. John 10 is famous for being the chapter on Jesus as the Good Shepherd. Of course, this is an old metaphor to describe the peop...  Read More
Bible Devotion Week 11
by Philip Ryan on March 22nd, 2024
One of my favorite Scripture references in a movie, always a dangerous thing, is in “The Davinci Code.” The verse is, “Hitherto shalt thou come, but no further” (Job 38:11). The verse is quoted by a nun to one of the bad guys when he followed a false lead. It is my favorite because it so wonderfully captures how the vast majority of people, not necessarily believers, read the Bible. They read it h...  Read More
Bible Devotion Week 10
by Philip Ryan on March 8th, 2024
This week we read the story of Jethro visiting Moses in Exodus 18. Jethro was Moses’ father-in-law and he came to Moses to bring his daughter and two children back to him. While there, Jethro observes Moses’ leadership among the people. In particular, he notices that he sits alone with al the people from morning till evening (v. 14). Moses explains it is because he inquires of God for people, he s...  Read More
Bible Devotion Week 9
by Philip Ryan on March 1st, 2024
Job 27:19, speaking of the godless, “he opens his eyes, and his wealth is gone.” Luke 12:15 Jesus said, “one's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.” On Monday we read from Job 27 and Luke 12. I found their connections fascinating. Job 27 is a juxtaposition between the righteous and the godless. Job points out the godless enjoy riches at others expense and when they die what b...  Read More
Bible Devotion Week 8
by Philip Ryan on February 23rd, 2024
Part of my daily morning routine is listening to “The World and Everything In It.” I appreciate the balance between current events, fascinating news stories, cultural commentary and all done through a Christian world and life view. One of the segments this week was on a remarkable missionary you probably never heard of, Neil Hawthorn. Neil is an Australian man who has been deeply involved in inter...  Read More
Bible Devotion Week 7
by Philip Ryan on February 16th, 2024
What time is it? On Wednesday, we began Luke’s gospel. Luke begins with a prolonged account of John the Baptist’s birth. Mark begins his gospel with John the Baptist preaching and baptizing in the wilderness. Luke goes further back to a familiar Old Testament dilemma, an old childless couple. This is most likely intentional on Luke’s part. He wants to highlight the bridge between the Old Testamen...  Read More
Bible Devotion Week 6
by Philip Ryan on February 9th, 2024
How then shall we live? We’ve begun working our way through the letter to the Romans. This is one of the most famous books in the Bible and contains Paul’s mature theology. It was significant for the Reformation as Martin Luther’s teaching from Romans rightly corrected the church’s understanding of “the righteousness of God.” Luther was perplexed by that phrase and another passage “the righteous ...  Read More
Bible Devotion Week 5
by Philip Ryan on February 2nd, 2024
I want to start with a story about fleas, bats, and the providence of God. When my family moved to Savannah last year, we rented a house that ended up having fleas. The landlord could not get rid of them but also still expected us to move in. It was not the best way to start off in a new city. I seriously thought we were going to have to go to court to get out of the lease. Miraculously, the landl...  Read More
Bible Devotion Week 4
by Philip Ryan on January 26th, 2024
My denomination growing up, The Assemblies of God, had a boys program similar to the Boy Scouts but way better (trust me I did both). It was called “Royal Rangers.” Similar to the Boy Scouts we had a pledge, a code, and a motto. The motto has always stuck with me. The Royal Ranger motto is “Ready.” Meaning: Ready for anything! Ready to work, play, serve, worship, live, and obey God’s Word. We were...  Read More
Bible Devotion Week 3
by Philip Ryan on January 19th, 2024
If you were to ask a random person on the street, “What is the Bible?” What are some responses you think you would get? I imagine some would say, “It is an ancient book with lots of wisdom” or “It is an ancient book that shows how people tried to understand their world” or “It was an ancient book that tells you what to do and how to live.” Occasionally you would find someone who would say, “It is ...  Read More
Bible Devotion Week 2
by Philip Ryan on January 12th, 2024
Some weeks, our devotional will be covering multiple passages read throughout the week. Other weeks, I may focus on just a particular passage. Today, I am going to do the latter from the reading for today from the Gospel of Matthew.What does Jesus mean by “for by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned”? (Mt 12:37). Does this somehow contradict Gal. 2:16, “yet we ...  Read More
Bible Devotion Week 1
by Philip Ryan on January 5th, 2024
We are almost a through our first week of 2024. How is it going so far? One person in the Bible Reading Group (which you can find in the app) asked, “Why does M’Cheyne start one of his sections in Ezra?”...  Read More
10 Benefits of Being in God's Word
by Philip Ryan on January 2nd, 2024
We all need encouragement to abide more in Jesus and His world. So here are ten beautiful benefits of being in God’s Word...   Read More