Bible Devotion Week 6
February 9th, 2024
How then shall we live? We’ve begun working our way through the letter to the Romans. This is one of the most famous books in the Bible and contains Paul’s mature theology. It was significant for...  Read More
by Philip Ryan
Bible Devotion Week 5
February 2nd, 2024
I want to start with a story about fleas, bats, and the providence of God. When my family moved to Savannah last year, we rented a house that ended up having fleas. The landlord could not get rid of t...  Read More
by Philip Ryan
Bible Devotion Week 4
January 26th, 2024
My denomination growing up, The Assemblies of God, had a boys program similar to the Boy Scouts but way better (trust me I did both). It was called “Royal Rangers.” Similar to the Boy Scouts we ha...  Read More
by Philip Ryan
Bible Devotion Week 3
January 19th, 2024
If you were to ask a random person on the street, “What is the Bible?” What are some responses you think you would get? I imagine some would say, “It is an ancient book with lots of wisdom” or...  Read More
by Philip Ryan
Bible Devotion Week 2
January 12th, 2024
Some weeks, our devotional will be covering multiple passages read throughout the week. Other weeks, I may focus on just a particular passage. Today, I am going to do the latter from the reading for t...  Read More
by Philip Ryan
Bible Devotion Week 1
January 5th, 2024
We are almost a through our first week of 2024. How is it going so far? One person in the Bible Reading Group (which you can find in the app) asked, “Why does M’Cheyne start one of his sections in...  Read More
by Philip Ryan
10 Benefits of Being in God's Word
January 2nd, 2024
We all need encouragement to abide more in Jesus and His world. So here are ten beautiful benefits of being in God’s Word... ...  Read More
by Philip Ryan
2024 Winter Discipleship
December 28th, 2023
We have several upcoming opportunities this coming winter how you may grow in your walk with the Lord. Whether you're looking for a group that meets in person or you're just looking for a tool to aid ...  Read More
by Pete Whitney
Christmas at the Kirk
November 29th, 2023
Everyone has their own traditions for Christmas, even churches. Some churches have the advent wreath and the lighting of the candles, others have the big Christmas trees in the sanctuary, and still ot...  Read More
by Pete Whitney
Presbyterian Worship
November 15th, 2023
Resources for learning more about Presbyterian and Reformed WorshipBooksWestminster Confession of Faith Chapter 21 "Of Religious Worship, and the Sabbath Day" The Confession provides an excellent summ...  Read More
by Philip Ryan
What does it mean for a church to be Presbyterian?
November 15th, 2023
Helpful Resources for learning more about the Presbyterian Church and its government: BooksHow Jesus Runs the Church by Guy Prentiss Waters. This is a great, accessible book into how a  Presbyterian...  Read More
by Philip Ryan
Where Are We Going?
August 11th, 2023
We are so thankful for the prayers in the congregation! A couple weeks ago in the newsletter, our pastor asked the congregation to pray for clarity of vision for our leadership concerning the directio...  Read More
by Pete Whitney
Where Are We Going? Delight
August 11th, 2023
Religion is far more than a list of duties. It is about seeking our delight in the Lord. Let's look into Book of Delight (the Psalms) and learn some lessons from those who have dabbled with delight ar...  Read More
by Pete Whitney
Biblical Theology of Evangelism
May 11th, 2023
Unlike Systematic theology, which gathers everything the Bible says on a particular subject, Biblical theology traces God’s revelation of a particular subject throughout the Scriptures. This helps u...  Read More
by Pete Whitney
2023 March Officer Update
May 10th, 2023
The Diaconate is very excited to announce that plans to build a playground at the church are coming together soon...  Read More
by Pete Whitney
2023 February Officer Update
May 10th, 2023
We are excited to announce the installation of our new assistant pastor of discipleship, Rev. Philip Ryan. Philip...  Read More
by Pete Whitney
Fall Discipleship Opportunities
May 10th, 2023
We have some tremendous Men’s and Women’s discipleship opportunities coming up this Fall at the Kirk. Check out the listing ...  Read More
by Pete Whitney
Celebrate His Death?
December 6th, 2022
But what I would like to consider about is the irony of this Passover, and particularly for Jesus. Jesus knew this Passover Celebration wouldn’t just be special, or even memorable; it was going to b...  Read More
by Pete Whitney